We went to see Sound of Freedom today. At the end of the movie there’s a “Special Message” that leads to the opportunity to donate money so other people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to, can see this movie. This is a link to that page should you have the opportunity to send someone to see this film.
As Jim says in his message, The most POWERFUL PERSON is the STORYTELLER. The stories of these children deserve to be both told + witnessed.
Telling the story is healing for the one who lived it. And then when we witness we now have a responsibility to act.
I hope you’ll go watch this film in the theater. We were amazed at how many people were there and how many of the earlier showings in the day were already sold out.
Then once people saw there would be a message at the end, almost everyone stayed to witness.
Arizona is somehow showing this film in nearly every theater in PHX. Yes, parts of it are very hard to watch because even without any visible violence we are all aware of the underlying trauma.
People ask me all of the time, how does a child get sold? This story is like so many others. A single father trusted the wrong person. That person pretended to care about his children + right under dads nose, they sold his children.
The statistics in this film are haunting. The US is one of the most trafficked countries in the world. And there are more people enslaved today than at any other point in history.
Slavery has gone NOWHERE. We normalized it. And everyone is silent.
If you ever wanna understand the nuances of how a child becomes trafficked, If you aren’t sure what is it is not trafficking, I’m always here for a conversation. It doesn’t make me sad to speak about trafficking. It makes me hopeful. It makes me feel less urgency. It helps me believe in humanity again.
I doubt this movie will be in the theater long. Please make a plan to watch it soon if you’d like to help keep an eye on what child sex trafficking ACTUALLY looks like.
This dad thought he was taking his kids to a talent show for his daughters singing. This could be anyone’s kiddo.
Tim Ballard goes above + beyond every single day.
Today was my 50th birthday + I spent it Witnessing for those kids. I'm overjoyed in every single cell in my body.
This is the link to access free tickets if you need them or donate funds for tickets if you're able to send someone else. ❤️